**Panel 1 (Top Left):**
*Smiling mouth drooling*
**Panel 2 (Top Right):**
*The Corpo Mark slaps her own face*
Corpo: **NO!**
"No, I’m only here to reschedule! And reimburse you for your time."
**Panel 3 (Middle Left):**
Off screen netrunner:
"You don’t deserve my help, girl.
But I’ll still give you a hand… upping hormones."
*Close-up of the netrunner upping a slider*
**Panel 4 (Middle Right):**
*Corpo with wide eyes and hearts in her pupils*
"I guess it couldn’t hurt to... reinforce our business relationships..."
*Heartbeat sound effect: "BADUM BADUM"*
**Panel 5 (Bottom Left):**
*Two characters face-to-face, close and intimate, the Corpo partially undressing herself/*
"And business relationships do require some occasional…"
**Panel 6 (Bottom Right):**
*Close-up of character grabbing the other’s erection*
"Quality assurance."